Our Projects

Project 2019-1

Diri Lavi "Life Rice" – Les Anglais, Haiti

This project will support the creation of a health food product manufacturing company in Les Anglais, Haiti. Diri Lavi will initially employ four full-time workers and operate from a dedicated depot located near downtown Les Anglais. The company will introduce a locally-sourced, uniquely flavored, and vitamin enhanced rice food product to the greater Les Anglais marketplace.

  • General Manager: Mr. Samy Ezena
  • Employees: 4 to 6
  • Market Population: 8,000
  • Units Produced (Annually): 25,000
  • Start-Up Budget: $22,000 (GD 1,430,000)
  • Replication Targets: LaCohaune, Chardonnaires


Project 2019-2

Diri Lavi "Life Rice" – LaCohaune, Haiti

This project is presently under development.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jerimiah 29:11 NLT