Our Team

Tim Carr

Board Member, West Harrison, Indiana

Tim loves to worship his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, spend time with family (wife Jennifer, three grown children, and two grandchildren), fish, camp, enjoy wildlife, and serve the people of Haiti. He has traveled to and served in Haiti since 2014. Tim is an excellent leader and has led some very productive (orphan and widow care) service trips to southern Haiti in recent years. Tim works as a Transportation Logistics Manager for the David J. Joseph Company and attends Grace Covenant Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.



Samy Ezena

Board Member, Port Au Prince, Haiti

Samuel (Samy) Ezena has a God-given passion for helping to improve the lives of Haiti's most vulnerable, especially children. Samy was born and raised in Haiti and today lives in a suburb of Port au Prince with his beloved bride Angelourse and two young sons Jeffrey and Isaac. He is an aspiring attorney and an executive team member of Christian ministry OCRPH. He has worked as general manager of J635 operations in southern Haiti since 2018 and attends the Apostolic Church of Christ in Carrefour Feuilles.



Hypollite Fanfan

Board Member, Port Au Prince, Haiti

Hypollite is an incredible man doing the Lord’s work well (and always with a big smile) under very difficult circumstances in his homeland of Haiti. He is a loving husband of wife Nadine and father of three beautiful girls (Lightdine, Hypollina, and Ange Karen). His passion is for serving orphans and widows and he routinely treks into the mountains of southern Haiti to serve both. Hypollite works as Haiti Country Manager for Harvest Field Ministries and attends Golgotha Church, Delmas, Haiti.



Amanda Fry, Madisonville, Tennessee

Board Member

Amanda is a loving wife (Charlie) and mother (Sophie and Dawson) who enjoys worshipping the Lord. She has had the opportunity and blessing to travel to Haiti multiple times since 2015. Her goal is to know Jesus and make him known. She loves ministering alongside her Haitian friends and is passionate about working with widows and those with special needs. Amanda homeschools their children and works part-time as a speech-language pathologist. She attends Hiwassee Church of God in Madisonville, Tennessee.


Charlie Fry, Madisonville, Tennessee

Board Member

Charlie is an incredible Christian man who fell in love with the people of Haiti on his first trip there in 2014. He loves spending time with his family (wife-Amanda and children-Sophie and Dawson), working beside his Haitian brothers and sisters, and Tennessee football. He is passionate about loving on and taking care of widows and orphans and enjoys serving teams to provide safe housing for them. Charlie works as a conductor for the railroad and attends Hiwassee Church of God, Madisonville, Tennessee.



Rick Santa

Board President, Maineville, Ohio

Rick is a devoted Christ-follower, husband (Sharon), and father of four amazing children (Matthew, Eric, Hayes, and Grace). He has traveled to and served in Haiti since 2011. His passion is working with local church, government, and business leaders to improve the lives of impoverished Haitians and sharing Jesus in the process. Rick works as a Senior Risk Control Consultant for United Fire Group Insurance and attends Rivers Crossing Community Church, Mason, Ohio.    



Sharon Santa

Board Vice President and Treasurer

Sharon is described by all who know her as the “nicest person in the world.” She loves the Lord deeply and loves her family (husband Rick and children Hayes and Grace) almost as much. She has traveled to and served in Haiti since 2012. Her passion is loving people and she has an incredibly big heart for toddlers and widows. Sharon works as a Underwriting Project Analyst for Great American Insurance and attends Rivers Crossing Community Church, Mason, Ohio.



“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” Ephesians 4:16